
Tomorrow’s Energy …… TODAY!


TOMORROW’s Energy is being made TODAY with Agricultural Waste…

The combustion of one ton of fossil coal introduces approximately 2.5 tons of new, or fossil carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere.

SSGE AGRI BioCoal helps make 3 important reductions:

The process used to produce AGRI BioCoal recycles only carbon already sequestered by nature in agricultural food crops. No direct or indirect harvesting of forests is needed, so in this way. AGRI BioCoal helps reduce dependency on industrialized deforestation.

This also means, no new CO2 from fossil fuels are generated. Every ton of fossil coal replaced by AGRI BioCoal reduces the increase in atmospheric CO2 by 2.5 tons. Using AGRI BioCoal helps reduce the increase in atmospheric CO2 from the use of fossil coal.

SSGE’s process also devolatilizes the agricultural biomass in a way that reduces its potential to release methane and other greenhouse gasses by up to 85% in this way, AGRI BioCoal can help reduce harmful greenhouse gasses.

SSGE owns 60 patents for producing the bio-coal from a wide range of agri-cultural waste.

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The world’s population needs food to survive, and in our ever-evolving world, we are becoming ever more energy dependent. Until recently, it has not been possible to merge the production and management of these two needs in a synergistic and environmentally responsible way.

It is now estimated that 8 billion people inhabit the Earth. It is also estimated that 8 billion tons of fossil coal will be consumed for energy production in 2022. Our dependency on fossil fuels is expected to remain high in the short term until many new carbon neutral technologies become operational.

While agriculture technologies are rapidly improving to respond to the global demand for food, it is estimated that 1 billion tons of agricultural waste and residues are produced every year. And, as long as food demand increases, so will the levels of residuals, or biomass. These biomass waste streams are not always disposed of responsibly. While open burning and dumping are now illegal in many regions, these practices are still commonplace in under or newly developed countries. These methods release carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane CH4) and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

Until now, there has been no economical and efficient technology that could up-cycle these residues. Collection issues, low energy density, as well as the presence of potassium, chlorine, nitrogen, and other elements, have made conversion of biomass into a clean solid fuel very difficult.

Densified woody biomass is an obvious source of renewable biomass. However, even though it is considered carbon neutral as a fuel, it still is dependent on industrialized deforestation residuals, or direct deforestation. Our forests are a primary component of the Earth’s ability to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. The growth-to-harvest cycle for trees is prohibitively long, and it is not possible to displace 8 billion tons of coal with a densified woody biomass solid fuel. While woody biomass may play an important role, it is not tenable without developing other forms of biomass.

Since its inception more than a decade ago, SSGE’s goal has been to develop and acquire the necessary technologies and experience needed to pull energy production into the natural carbon cycle of agricultural crops. This means a fuel that is produced by only utilizing recycled carbon sequestered by the natural process of plant growth, therefore only releasing the same carbon when combusted.

When applied to agricultural wastes and residues, the torrefication process devolitalizes the biomass by removing the potential for harmful greenhouse gas emissions, and creates a dense carbon rich solid biocoal, AGRI BioCoal. The energy and physical characteristics of AGRI BioCoal are similar to densified wood, and a near equivalent to fossil coal, making it a drop-in replacement for either.

The environmental and social impact of using agricultural waste and residues has many important benefits. It provides a solution through positive incentives for responsible agricultural practices that do not include open burning or biodegradation of these residues. It provides a viable alternative to the use of wood as a feedstock and reducing the demand on our valuable forests. Additionally, using agricultural residues benefits local and regional agrarian communities by providing new revenue streams as well as jobs.

Strategic Advantages of AGRI BioCoal
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    A perfect solution converting abundant and perpetual agricultural residues into a clean, renewable solid fuel.
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    Reduces the dependency on fossil coal, decreasing the emission of new atmospheric CO2.
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    Reduces reliance on woody biomass and strain on the planet’s forests.
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    Encourages responsible farming and crop residual disposal, helping to reduce illegal burning and dumping.
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    Provides additional income streams, jobs and improved living standards for agrarian communities in surrounding regions.
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    AGRI BioCoal provides solutions to many of the issues facing the global effort to slow the Earth’s warming atmosphere.

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